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To ensure your stay with us is as comfortable and convenient as possible, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions regarding the guestroom phones. Please take a moment to review this information, and don't hesitate to contact our front desk if you require any further assistance.
Q: How do I make a local call from my guestroom phone?A: To make a local call, simply pick up the handset and dial the desired number. Local calls can be made without any additional charges.
Q: Can I make long-distance calls from my guestroom phone?A: Yes, long-distance calls can be made from your guestroom phone. Please note that these calls will be charged according to our hotel's long-distance call rates. To make a long-distance call, dial "9" followed by the area code and the phone number.
Q: How can I reach the hotel's front desk or room service?A: For assistance from the front desk or to place an order with room service, simply dial "0" from your guestroom phone. Our staff will be happy to assist you promptly.
Q: How do I retrieve voicemail messages left on my guestroom phone?A: If you have received a voicemail message, the voicemail indicator light on your guestroom phone will be illuminated. To retrieve your messages, simply press the voicemail button or dial the voicemail retrieval number provided in your guest information booklet. Follow the prompts to access your voicemail.
Q: Can I use my guestroom phone for international calls?A: Yes, international calls can be made from your guestroom phone. However, please be aware that international calling rates apply, and charges will vary depending on the destination. To make an international call, dial "9" followed by the international dialing code and the phone number.
Q: How do I adjust the volume or settings on my guestroom phone?A: Most guestroom phones are equipped with volume controls and settings adjustment options. These controls are typically located on the side or bottom of the phone. If you require assistance with adjusting the phone settings, please don't hesitate to contact our front desk.
We hope this FAQ guide helps you make the most of your stay with us. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding your guestroom phone or any other aspect of your stay, please feel free to reach out to our friendly staff at any time.